Tim Yarrow

Tim Yarrow

Getting the Most Out of Each Dive

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What on Earth was that? We’re all keen to spot and identify things we haven’t seen before on our next dive. We put our faces in the water, start breathing, descend, check our buoyancy, keep our eyes on the others…

10 Fascinating Dolphin Facts

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Did you grow up loving Flipper?  Dolphins are truly lovable, but they are far more than just fun creatures of the sea. Here are 10 fascinating dolphin facts that will make you love them even more. 1. Nearly 40 species of…

World Record Scuba Dive

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Done in 2002 whist working in South Africa as a promotional idea for a new dive centre I worked for, 3D Dive, whilst raising money for the South African Lifeboat Association. The previous record was set in 1986 and was…

New Gadgets and Drysuits

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What’s New So I had an interesting day yesterday. One of my suppliers was in the area so he popped in to discuss what’s new on the market and show me some lovely new masks and some of the cool…

The Spares Every Diver Should Have

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A Cable Tie for Every Occasion I have seen divers fixing broken clips minutes before a dive with cable ties and even broken fin straps as a last resort because they didn’t have the right spares. Although cable ties can…

Scuba ID Competition – January

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Your chance to win a £20 diveshack UK voucher It can be easy to be overwhelmed by all the things you see underwater. So, we are running a competition each month to get you thinking. Some will be easy, some more…

New Year, New Toys

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New Stock for the New Year We’ve only been open a month but we’re already getting a feel for the things people would like to see more of in the shop in the New Year. So, we’ve got a few more…

February ID Competition

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Competition Results  Congratulations to J Buchanan for winning the Mares Puck Pro dive computer from his entry in the prize draw. Also, Chris Henry was pulled out of the list of correct answers for the ID competition – it was of…